How To Treat Forehead Wrinkles

Aging, loss of skin elasticity, genetics, and sun exposure are the main causes of wrinkles along with repetitive frowning and stress. If you're beginning to become extremely concerned about your wrinkles, you should book an appointment with a dermatologist. There are also other ways like using cosmetic products and lifestyle changes that can help reduce the appearance of your forehead wrinkles.

Cosmetic Products That Can Help Minimize Forehead Wrinkles

Not all cosmetic brands can get rid of wrinkles no matter how much they claim they can. Some beauty products that can treat forehead wrinkles are:

Products with retinol

Retinol is a milder form of tretinoin which a by-product of the prescription vitamin A. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved tretinoin to treat acne and wrinkles. Retinol supports collagen production and also improves skin cell turnover. It works best at night. This is because skin repairs itself at night, so applying retinol will boost up the process, and also retinol doesn't hold up in the morning and can also create mild irritation in the skin. 


Primer is an alternate way of hiding the wrinkles so that they are less noticeable. It won't get rid of the forehead wrinkles though. Face primer prepares your face for the application of foundation by smoothing out the wrinkled skin similar to the way a paint primer prepares a surface for the application of paint. It's an inexpensive way to get smooth skin. Primer comes in gel, cream, or powder forms and helps the foundation on top stay put throughout the whole day.

Exfoliating products that have glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid that is used in exfoliating products to reveal healthier and younger-looking skin. It is the main and key ingredient in most chemical peels. You can also find glycolic acid in some leave-on over-the-counter exfoliants. The acid may cause some sun sensitivity, so if you're using it in the daytime make sure to use sunscreen after using the glycolic acid products.

Vitamin C and SPF products

Sun exposure plays an important role in the healthy and youthful appearance of your skin. The more exposed your skin is to the sun, the looser, drier, and sportier it will become over time. Because of this, you need to add skincare products to your routine to reverse the damaging effects. 

Applying Vitamin C (helps boost collagen production, protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays, fight free radical damage, make your complexion look brighter, and help in fading the appearance of dark spots) and a sunscreen that has at least SPF 30 protection is essential to fight against the sun's damaging effects.

Products with Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most consumed ingredients in the skincare industry due to its incredible hydration ability. But hyaluronic acid is also great in minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines due to its plumping abilities.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Forehead Wrinkles

Your day-to-day life makes an enormous impact on your skin's health and also in the development of forehead wrinkles. You can keep your skin smooth and prevent any risks of premature aging. 

Avoid long-term exposure to the sun

The sun's ultraviolet rays contribute greatly to wrinkles and premature aging. If you are going to be a long time under the sun or even for a small amount of time, always wear SPF 30 or higher sunscreen. This will slow the aging of the skin and also reduce any risk of wrinkles and dark spots.

Staying hydrated

Dry skin makes the wrinkles appear more noticeable. If your skin is well hydrated, then the look of your forehead wrinkles will be diminished. It's important to stay hydrated even if you have no problems. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day to stay well hydrated. Drink more in case you're going out in the sun or doing exercises. If normal water seems boring, you can always add up lemons or other flavorings available in the market.

Manage stress

When you worry about something, your brows tend to wrinkle which leads to forehead wrinkles. It's hard to get rid of stress but you can learn how to manage it and to keep it in control. You can try mediation, practice yoga, try aromatherapy, talk to a therapist, practice diaphragmatic breathing, getting enough sleep, and exercising daily to relieve stress. 

Eat a balanced diet

You may have heard of the saying "you are what you eat" and it is true in the case of wrinkles. Your diet plays a key role in skin aging and thus make sure you add enough vitamin C and linolenic acid to your diet to lower the risk of getting forehead wrinkles. Cut short on fats and carbs as they increase the risk of wrinkles. 

Now that you know all the ways you can treat forehead wrinkles, do try them and see the amazing results yourself.


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