Know More About the General Cost of Tattoo Removal?

Tattoos are becoming more popular and mainstream. Getting tattoos because of personal, cultural reasons, or because of just finding the design cool is a common thing nowadays. People may get permanent tattoos but later may want to remove them. There are as many reasons for one person to get a tattoo as there are for another person to remove the tattoo. If you're looking forward to getting your tattoo removed then keep reading to learn about the ways you can get it removed, the cost, and the time the process will take.

Laser Tattoo Removal 

Laser removal is considered to be the most successful way to remove tattoos. It is also cost-effective. Nowadays, Q-switched lasers are used to remove most tattoos. The way the Q-switched lasers work is by sending out energy in a single strong pulse. The energy of the pulse then heats the ink in the skin which makes it dissolve.

This method of dissolving the ink takes several weeks and a number of laser treatments for permanent tattoo removal. Most of the time, the lasers don't fully remove the tattoo but they lighten it to an extent where it's not much noticeable.

Process of Laser Pigmentation Removal

You can go to any aesthetic clinic to get your tattoo removed. The laser technician will inject a local anesthetic that will numb the tattooed skin area. After that, they'll apply the lasers onto the skin. During this procedure, the skin may bleed, swell and blister. The process is then repeated for a number of sessions until the tattoo is faded to an extension of your preference. Now the average number of times you will have to get the treatment varies from person to person. Generally, it will take up to six to eight sessions to get the desired results. The time between each session should be six to eight weeks to get it completely removed.

Average Cost of Tattoo Removal by Lasers

The total cost of removing your tattoo by laser pigmentation removal will depend on its size, age, and color. The average cost of laser removal is $463, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. As tattoo removal is considered to be a cosmetic procedure, most insurance companies will not cover its cost.


After the treatment, the technician will prescribe you specific aftercare instructions. Applying antibacterial ointments to the tattooed area after every session for several days to heal the skin and reduce any risk of infection to the skin. Other aftercare instructions include:- keeping the affected area dry and clean, not picking on any blisters or scabs that may form, avoid wearing any tight articles of clothing, and not exposing the affected area to direct sunlight.  

Surgical Removal

Surgical removal is also known as excision tattoo removal is a method that involves cutting off the tattooed skin and replacing this skin by stitching the remaining skin back. The surgical removal method is the only method of complete permanent tattoo removal although being the most invasive method of tattoo removal.

It is an efficient method of getting rid of unwanted tattoos but after the process, it leaves a scar on the skin.

Therefore, it is usually recommended for small tattoos only. It's also less expensive than most ofthe other tattoo removal methods.

Process of Surgical Removal

You can stop by a plastic surgery office to get this done. The surgeon will inject the area with a local anaesthetic which will numb the tattooed skin. Then, the surgeon will use a sharp scalpel to cut the tattooed skin and stitch the remaining skin together again.

This surgical removal may take one to several hours depending on the size of the tattoo. The time also depends on the repair method of the surgeon. It takes many weeks for the tattooed area to completely heal.

Average Cost of Tattoo Removal by Surgical Removal

The cost of surgical tattoo removal is generally less than dermabrasion and laser removal. The average cost may range between $150 to $350, depending on the size of the tattoo (according to St. Joseph's Plastic Surgery Center). Insurance doesn't usually cover surgical removal as it's considered a cosmetic procedure. 


After the treatment, the technician will prescribe you specific aftercare instructions. You will have to apply the prescribed ointment for several days after the treatment to speed up the healing process of the affected area and avoid any risk of infections in the skin. Also, keep the affected area out of sunlight for at least two weeks and keep it dry and clean.


The dermabrasion method involves the use of a sanding device to remove the layers of skin and allow the ink to leach out. This method is a very uncommon option for permanent tattoo removal. The efficiency of dermabrasion ranges widely from person to person and it can sometimes remove all of the existing tattoos.

The method is not recommended for people with sensitive skin or with any skin conditions like eczema. While undergoing dermabrasion, you are at risk of bruising, bleeding, and changes in the skin color of the affected area due to the use of blood thinners. People with a darker complexion are at a higher risk for skin pigment changes.

Process of Dermabrasion 

During a dermabrasion session, the clinician will inject a local anaesthetic that will numb the tattooed skin to reduce the pain from the process. A high-speed rotating abrasive device is used to sand off the top layers of the skin and the tattoo ink starts escaping.

Dermabrasion is a one-time procedure and done in one go at the cosmetic surgeon's office. The time taken to complete the process depends on the size and color of your tattoo. Big tattoos with many different colors will take up to several hours to treat.


Average Cost of Tattoo Removal by Dermabrasion

The cost of dermabrasion depends on the size and color of your tattoo. The total cost can be from several hundred dollars to thousands of dollars according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. To be exact, this cost includes all the costs needed to completely remove the tattoo by this treatment.


The clinician will recommend an antibacterial cream for application to the affected area to reduce scarring, avoid any risk of infection and heal the skin. After the completion of the procedure, the affected area will be painful and raw for many days and look pinkish or reddish during this time. Full recovery will take up to three to four weeks. The pink color will fade in 8 to 12 weeks.


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